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Build, Ship, and Run in Docker

Application containerization is a critical path in modernizing legacy applications, be it through cloud migration or rebuilding with microservices architecture. We can support you in this effort by creating secure cloud development environments using Docker technology.

Docker containers can enable enterprise agility due to a host of inherent characteristics that speed up application development and deployment.

Immutable Infrastructure

Immutable Infrastructure

Predictability, version control, and faster rollbacks are some of the perks of immutability. Also, isolation of applications prevents you from spending precious time fixing broken servers than replacing them.

Version Tracking

Version Tracking

Add new versions, rollback to previous ones, track successive versions, and check the difference between versions. Docker also records who and how a container is assembled, leading to full traceability.

Reusable Components

Reusable Components

Docker consolidates common components as ‘base images’, which can be reused for future applications. More specialized images can be built/stacked manually or through automated builds on top of the base image.

Resource Utilization

Resource Utilization

Use many more containers on a single host system than hosting virtual machines (VMs). Docker shares the kernel of the host system with other containers while not imitating the host system OS.

Platform Agnostic

Platform Agnostic

Docker leans on the principle of absent infrastructure dependencies. The layered container works across various operating systems, QA servers, and production data centers with a one-time configuration.



Docker consumes fewer hardware resources than virtual machines because of the absence of hypervisor. It is easier and faster to spin Docker images and run multiple containers on the same host.

Top Benefits of Using Docker Containers

  • Isolation of applications and services
  • Flexibility due to version control
  • Small footprint and minimum overhead
  • Easy transfers across machines or cloud
  • Reduced IT infrastructure cost

Think Docker When You...

  • Build your own PaaS
  • Decouple infrastructure from application
  • Deliver software solutions as microservices
  • Work with a large team, with multiple setups
  • Adopt continuous integration and delivery

Success Story

Our client was able to transition from a manual development process to a highly agile system for developing and deploying feature updates to their analytics platform. Both their operations and development teams realized impressive savings in time with the automated CI/CD system in place.

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