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E-Learning Platforms for Virtual Classrooms

Corporates view e-learning as a valuable training method while educational institutions are increasingly incorporating technology to improve the learning experience in and out of classrooms. With a robust learning management system in place, you can easily deploy and manage online learning sites for all teaching and training needs.

In business organizations, e-learning offers a convenient and efficient means for new employee orientation, professional skill development, and industry or company-specific process training. Employees can access and progress through course modules at their own pace.

A learning management system (LMS) lets you

  • Provide secure access to training materials
  • Consolidate and track everything in one place
  • Interact, engage, and even go social
  • Save up on time and training costs

Do You Need an LCMS?

If your organization creates its own training materials, content management features are key to your virtual learning platform.

LCMS or learning content management system includes tools for authoring or maintaining course content and repurposing it for various audiences.

LCMS solves the hassles with importing incompatible content formats into an LMS. Get in touch for an accurate assessment of your needs.

Brand Your E-Learning Website

A customized implementation of learning management systems helps to create a unique learning experience for your learners. Most learning management systems feature templates and themes that can be easily modified to meet requirements. With open source LMS, Moodle, themes can be designed and applied at the site, category, course, or user level, providing for even greater personalization.

Custom Moodle implementation

Sprinkle Fun with Games

Gamifying the learning experience ushers in greater and sustained participation. You can add fun to the learning mix with simple challenges, awards or peer comparison.Such game elements have the power to keep people motivated, encouraging your users to continue learning.

Gamification in detail

Accommodate Mobile Learning

Learning websites today have to deliver irrespective of the mode of access. Responsive web designs engineered by replacing proprietary multimedia formats with mobile-friendly technology such as HTML5 can ensure reach across a wide variety of devices and platforms.

HTML5 Development

Featured Apps

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