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Quality Assurance and Test Automation for E-Commerce Systems


One of Asia’s largest clothing retailers with more than 2,500 stores across the globe. The company operates in segments such as manufacturing and sale of apparel in the domestic and overseas markets.




To implement a comprehensive QA strategy for our client, we performed test automation on the new ReactJS-based applications. Our QA strategy improved the internal code structure by transforming functions without altering functionality to meet business needs. We ensured quality via Test Automation processes and added value with new features. We streamlined the QA process and put in place an automated testing mechanism to ensure that all release changes are sent to production for quick implementation.

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Business Requirement

  • Interoperability Testing to check whether the application interacts seamlessly with other software components and systems
  • Multi-country (localization) Testing to check the effectiveness of UI and content
  • Automate the Regression Suite to ensure zero errors and bugs
  • Error Handling Testing to resolve runtime errors by adopting reasonable countermeasures depending on the environment
  • Performance Testing to measure the performance of the site and specific functionalities
  • Consolidate and scale up multi-country e-commerce mobile web applications
  • Develop a single version of the existing CMS, which currently has multiple versions in various languages

Business Benefits

  • 40% reduction in release cycle time enabling faster roll-out of new features
  • Reduction in development costs with re-usable automation test scripts
  • Saved considerable costs by utilizing Selenium, an open source test automation tool
  • Reduced regression testing time from 48 hours to less than 6 hours
  • Automated daily smoke test reports are accessible via email

QBurst Solution

We kicked off the testing process by executing the QA phases simultaneously and independently. By adopting this strategy, we significantly reduced turnaround time.

Our QA team prepared test cases for various scenarios and performed manual and automation testing of framework components. We identified different sets of test cases to be automated for Regression, Smoke, and Night Job testing.

The QA team performed both manual and automation testing for the CMS & SPA components of web application, analyzing test coverage and results to verify functionality.

Migrating to the latest ReactJS-based technology helped the client to achieve uniformity in terms of design language and layout. We ensured easy maintenance of the test automation framework by leveraging Selenium as the test automation tool.


  • npm
  • JMeter
  • WebdriverIO
  • Chai
  • Node.js
  • Selenium
  • Cucumber Framework
  • Jenkins

Business Requirement

  • Interoperability Testing to check whether the application interacts seamlessly with other software components and systems
  • Multi-country (localization) Testing to check the effectiveness of UI and content
  • Automate the Regression Suite to ensure zero errors and bugs
  • Error Handling Testing to resolve runtime errors by adopting reasonable countermeasures depending on the environment
  • Performance Testing to measure the performance of the site and specific functionalities
  • Consolidate and scale up multi-country e-commerce mobile web applications
  • Develop a single version of the existing CMS, which currently has multiple versions in various languages

Business Benefits

  • 40% reduction in release cycle time enabling faster roll-out of new features
  • Reduction in development costs with re-usable automation test scripts
  • Saved considerable costs by utilizing Selenium, an open source test automation tool
  • Reduced regression testing time from 48 hours to less than 6 hours
  • Automated daily smoke test reports are accessible via email

QBurst Solution

We kicked off the testing process by executing the QA phases simultaneously and independently. By adopting this strategy, we significantly reduced turnaround time.

Our QA team prepared test cases for various scenarios and performed manual and automation testing of framework components. We identified different sets of test cases to be automated for Regression, Smoke, and Night Job testing.

The QA team performed both manual and automation testing for the CMS & SPA components of web application, analyzing test coverage and results to verify functionality.

Migrating to the latest ReactJS-based technology helped the client to achieve uniformity in terms of design language and layout. We ensured easy maintenance of the test automation framework by leveraging Selenium as the test automation tool.


  • npm
  • JMeter
  • WebdriverIO
  • Chai
  • Node.js
  • Selenium
  • Cucumber Framework
  • Jenkins

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