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SurveyBuz is a simple and easy-to-use business tool to create quick surveys and gather user responses without any manual intervention. Participants can be restricted to respond just once, and the survey administrator/user can view the statistics of completed surveys. SurveyBuz provides colorful charts to display response statistics.


This is a simple add-in that allows the administrator group users to easily create surveys. It provides options to:

  • Create surveys—only a survey administrator can do this.
  • Assign participants with weightage.
  • Send e-mail notifications to all participants once the survey starts.
  • Manage permissions for participants when survey starts and ends.
  • Visualize as charts the responses to questions based on participant’s weightage.
  • Display the survey response trend for each survey once it starts.
  • Graphically present the survey results to participants once the survey is closed.

Functional Specifications

  • SurveyBuz add-in landing page shows all the surveys to participate based on the logged-in user. If the logged-in user is a survey administrator, the page lists all the surveys to manage.
  • Survey administrator has the privilege to add surveys, participants and questions, publish surveys, start and close surveys, cancel a survey, and view the current response trend of an open survey.
  • Survey administrator can add questions and choices to the survey created.
  • Survey administrator can add participants and set their weightage for the survey created.
  • Users can view and respond to all surveys to which he/she is added as a participant.
  • Once the survey is completed, survey results will be calculated based on participant’s weightage and a report will be generated.


To use the SurveyBuz add-in, you need to add the Survey Administrator group with full permission in the host site and add users to this group manually.

If the app web (the site where the add-in is deployed) inherits permissions from the host site (where the add-in is installed), you can add permissions for the survey administrator group (full control) and participants (read permission) in the host site itself. It will be replicated in app web site.

If the app web has unique permissions, which are not inherited from the host site, then add permissions for the survey administrator group (full control) and participants (read permission) in app web user permission page (/_layouts/15/user.aspx).

Open User Manual View SurveyBuz Privacy Policy

Enhancement Support

QBurst has developed an executable program that automatically starts the survey once the survey start date arrives and closes it when the end date is reached. This executable file can be configured in the Windows Task Scheduler. To get the executable program, contact us at


Create and Manage Surveys

Surveys for Participants

Add Participants with Weightage

Respond to a Survey

Survey Results

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