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Customer Loyalty Mobile Apps to Boost Business

Client Profile

The client is a privately funded company in Silicon Valley, California.

Project Overview

This is a mobile loyalty application that helps users share their shopping experience on social networks and earn reward points. The application detects users’ location and allows them to check in at local businesses registered with the client.

Business Requirement

The client’s concept was to use word-of-mouth marketing and social media networks to spread word about local businesses. They wanted a mobile-based loyalty rewards program that would:

  • Boost the business of local enterprises
  • Enable customers to earn points while having fun

Business Challenge

The challenge was to develop multi-platform mobile applications that would:

  • Enable businesses to motivate and retain customers
  • Use loyal customers as extended sales force
  • Enable customers to track their activities
  • Leverage social networks to spread word about local enterprises

QBurst Solution

QBurst developed iPhone and Android mobile applications using their native SDK libraries to convert the requirements to features.

  • GPS-based location service to track users and locate businesses
  • Multithreading capability, which allows the application to run in the background while making calls or updating status
  • QR code scanner integration to scan coupons and redeem rewards
  • Social media/network API integration to enable customers to share experiences
  • Core Location framework to determine the user location

Key Features

  • Identify and locate businesses near user location using Nearby feature
  • Check in automatically at select businesses upon arrival
  • View activity list—location check-ins, reward accumulation, reward redemption, and shares
  • Track rewards, activities, and post new ones
  • Add friends from other networks and view their updates
  • Send and receive emails
  • Have full control over the privacy and security of the account
  • Share activities and experiences on Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare


  • iOS SDK
  • Android SDK
  • QBShare
  • MySQL
  • Objective-C, Java
  • Flurry
  • Encryption and Web Services

End Result

  • The popularity of the application translated into an effective advertising medium.
  • The app helped small and medium sized enterprises to rapidly increase customer base.
  • The app received good reviews at app stores.

Project Overview

This is a mobile loyalty application that helps users share their shopping experience on social networks and earn reward points. The application detects users’ location and allows them to check in at local businesses registered with the client.

Business Requirement

The client’s concept was to use word-of-mouth marketing and social media networks to spread word about local businesses. They wanted a mobile-based loyalty rewards program that would:

  • Boost the business of local enterprises
  • Enable customers to earn points while having fun

QBurst Solution

QBurst developed iPhone and Android mobile applications using their native SDK libraries to convert the requirements to features.

  • GPS-based location service to track users and locate businesses
  • Multithreading capability, which allows the application to run in the background while making calls or updating status
  • QR code scanner integration to scan coupons and redeem rewards
  • Social media/network API integration to enable customers to share experiences
  • Core Location framework to determine the user location

Key Features

  • Identify and locate businesses near user location using Nearby feature
  • Check in automatically at select businesses upon arrival
  • View activity list—location check-ins, reward accumulation, reward redemption, and shares
  • Track rewards, activities, and post new ones
  • Add friends from other networks and view their updates
  • Send and receive emails
  • Have full control over the privacy and security of the account
  • Share activities and experiences on Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare

Client Profile

The client is a privately funded company in Silicon Valley, California.

Business Challenge

The challenge was to develop multi-platform mobile applications that would:

  • Enable businesses to motivate and retain customers
  • Use loyal customers as extended sales force
  • Enable customers to track their activities
  • Leverage social networks to spread word about local enterprises


  • iOS SDK
  • Android SDK
  • QBShare
  • MySQL
  • Objective-C, Java
  • Flurry
  • Encryption and Web Services

End Result

  • The popularity of the application translated into an effective advertising medium.
  • The app helped small and medium sized enterprises to rapidly increase customer base.
  • The app received good reviews at app stores.

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