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Cross-Platform Apps with Cordova

Apache Cordova is an open source mobile app development framework. Using Cordova, we can help you get to market faster with apps targeting multiple platforms.

Why Cordova?

Open Source

Cordova being an open-source framework, codes from contributors across the world is being added to it, often increasing efficiency.

Extensible with Plugins

Cordova apps can have native features too. Let’s integrate a community plugin or build one for your app’s specific functionality.

Quick to Prototype

The web view component allows faster review of changes by reloading the web browser. You will see faster development with fewer steps.

Publish to Any App Store

Cordova makes it easy to deploy your app to any app store without having to go through separate development processes.

Open Source

Cordova being an open-source framework, codes from contributors across the world is being added to it, often increasing efficiency.

Extensible with Plugins

Cordova apps can have native features too. Let’s integrate a community plugin or build one for your app’s specific functionality.

Quick to Prototype

The web view component allows faster review of changes by reloading the web browser. You will see faster development with fewer steps.

Publish to Any App Store

Cordova makes it easy to deploy your app to any app store without having to go through separate development processes.

PhoneGap or Apache Cordova?

PhoneGap and Cordova are both platforms for building cross-platform applications and their names are mostly used interchangeably. Cordova is an open source platform and PhoneGap is Adobe’s distribution of Cordova. Any JavaScript framework that works with Cordova works well with PhoneGap.

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How Does Cordova Work?

Cordova acts as an application container which allows a mobile application to run as natively-installed apps in different operating systems. The mobile. application itself is written using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.

Web View is the UI layer of Cordova, where the compiled code is rendered. The web view is implemented differently for different devices. Plugins compensate for the absence of native functionalities.

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{'en-in': '', 'en-jp': '', 'ja-jp': '', 'en-au': '', 'en-uk': '', 'en-ca': '', 'en-sg': '', 'en-ae': '', 'en-us': '', 'en-za': '', 'en-de': '', 'de-de': '', 'x-default': ''}